This document describes the data model for each endpoint in the DSOP Control Common standard APIs (Customer Relations Overview API and DSOP Control API), both for input parameters and the response. Technical specification of the APIs can be found in the API-specification documentation. The technical specification must be followed when implementing the different endpoints of the APIs that are part of the DSOP Control Common Standard. Documentation describing how data is either exchanged or protected is to be found in the Architecture documentation or in the Security documentation.

Guidelines regarding input-parameter validation criteria as well as which data element are to be delivered for each DSOP Service based on the Common Standard are not described in this document but can be found in each DSOP Service documentation.

Each endpoint in both the Customer Relations Overview and DSOP Control APIs return several fields and subfields. Some fields are mandatory due to technical reasons.

For the DSOP Control API, the data providers will strive to deliver information via all the fields that are part of the response unless otherwise stated for the specific DSOP Service, regardless of whether the fields are mandatory or not.

An overview of the relevant endpoints per DSOP Service is presented in the table below. This is according to the legal basis for each DSOP Service.

Description of all input- and output parameters in the APIs

The APIs have both structured and free text fields in each endpoint. Structured fields have a specific purpose and may have legal values (enums) or a specified format. If there is a matching structured field in the API definition, structured information shall be placed there and not in the free text fields. The free text fields are intended for information not fitting into any structured field, for instance free text the data provider has received from the control object issuing the transaction.

See description of all fields in each endpoint below. Some DSOP Services will have to filter the response and only return a limited portion of the fields that are initially available in the common standard.

Endpoints Data model for V.2.0
Customer Relations Overview API  
customerRelationships Description of customerRelationships V.2.0
accountServicingProvider Description of accountServicingProvider V.2.0
DSOP Control API  
Accounts Description of Accounts V.2.0
Account details Description of Account details V.2.0
Transactions Description of Transactions V.2.0
Cards Description of Cards V.2.0
Roles Description of Roles V.2.0

Change log

Date Version Change
20.03.24 2.0 New version of the DSOP Control API generating extensive changes throughout all documentation.
17.09.20 V.1.1 Changes from V.1.0 to V.1.1, Version 1.1 approved by “Styringsgruppe Kontrollinformasjon”
03.05.23 V.1.2 Added V.1.2, added responseDetails