Role holders for the specified account and period. Empty list if no hits.


Abbreviations   Description
M Mandatory Must be part of the response, even if there is no data. Not returning this field in the response can break the receiving API.
D Deliver Producers are obligated to deliver all requested data if they can*. If the data exists in the Producers’ systems and is possible to deliver through the API, it must be part of the response. If the data does not exist or cannot be delivered through the API, the field can be omitted.
MC Mandatory conditional - Child fields where Parent field is marked «M»(Mandatory) is crucial to give value to the Parent and must be delivered, even if there is no data. (See separate description for how to return empty or no data in fields.) Not returning this field in the response can break the receiving API.

- As long as a parent field marked with “D” is part of the response, the child field marked with “MC” must also be returned.
O Optional Only used in input parameters

*If the data provider cannot deliver all requested data through Control API, but have more data offline, responseDetails.status must return value “partial” and a reason must be returned in responseDetails.message.

Input parameters

Values set by data consumer. It is the data providers’ responsibility to validate all requests from the data consumers and to make sure that all requests are validated well enough. See some recommendations regarding validation of requests in Control API.

Parameter Description Comment
accountReference (M) A unique reference to the account, but should not be the account number and not simply decoded to an account number. -
AccountInfoRequestID (M) Consumers case reference id/number Link to Overall description of the DSOP Control API
CorrelationID (M) Unique identifier for the technical request Link to Overall description of the DSOP Control API
Legal-Mandate* (M) Legal basis the data providers should validate. Formatted encoded text. See the specific DSOP Service documentation for the valid legal mandates
AdditionalReferenceID* (O) Reference ID when Legal-Mandate is not adequate alone, or to identify requester at consumer. Should be validated according to the Legal-Mandate. Formatted encoded text. Required for some DSOP Services. More information in More information in Overall description of the DSOP Control API
AdditionalReferenceIDType* (O) What type of reference to expect in AdditionalReferenceID Required for some DSOP Services. More information in More information in Overall description of the DSOP Control API
RequesterID (O) RequesterID identifies the user who makes the request at the public agency. The public agencies are free to pseudonymise RequesterID so that the financial institutions cannot link this ID to the agency’s user or natural person. In turn, the public agency must be able to link RequesterID to a user in the public agency. It is important that RequesterID remains constant per user and is not reused for new users. Even though this parameter is technically optional, it could become logically mandatory for a given DSOP service.
fromDate (M) Date (included) from which the time period for the data delivery starts. -
toDate (M) Date (included) from which the time period for the data delivery ends. -

*It is recommended to validate AdditionalReferenceID and AdditionalReferenceIDType according to the legal-mandate.


Values in response from data providers.

All fields are to be provided as long as the data provider holds the data, regardless of whether the fields are marked as mandatory or not. This is according to the legal basis.

Value Level 1 Level 2  
responseDetails (D)      
  responseDetails.status (D)    
  responseDetails.message (D)    
roles (D)      
  roles.permission (D)    
  roles.identifier (D)    
    roles.identifier.countryOfResidence (D)  
    roles.identifier.value (MC)  
    roles.identifier.type (MC) (D)    
  roles.startDate (D)    
  roles.endDate (D)    

Description of all response elements in the API





Indicates whether this is a complete answer, or whether there is data offline that cannot be retrieved through the API.

  • partial: If there is any data in the producers systems that can be retrieved manually and is not part of the API response, or if the provider wishes to be contacted via another channel by the consumer.
  • complete: If there is no more available data that can be retrieved manually. All known data has been returned in the response.

responseDetails.status is not to be used as an indicator for paginating.

[partial, complete]



In case of responseDetails.status partial, responseDetails.message indicates the reason why not all data has been delivered through the API in order to inform the data consumers about the situation, and enable them to decide if it is necessary to send a digital letter to the Data provider or not. A description of the different messages to return is available in the document DSOP Control - Functional specification - 2024-03-06 - Messages in relation with partial.pdf.





Specifies the type of role/right a person or organization has for an account.

  • rightToUseAlone: Can issue transactions changing the balance of the account on their own.
  • rightToUseWithOther: Can only issue transactions changing the balance of the account together with other party.
  • rightToSeeOnly: Can only view account details, but not issue transactions.
[rightToUseAlone, rightToUseWithOther, rightToSeeOnly]





CountryCode. The country the person or organization belongs to. In ISO 3166-1/Alpha-2 code format.


Mandatory conditional

Personal identification number, D-number or organization number.


Mandatory conditional

  • countryIdentificationCode: The national registration code for businesses, enterprise, organizations and companies that is retrieved from the National register for organizations. In Norway this would be from BRREG.
  • nationalIdentityNumber: Used for persons. The national identitycode for persons. In Norway this would be P or D numbers from FREG.
[countryIdentificationCode, nationalIdentityNumber]


Name of the person or organization that has the role on the account in the time period.



Start date for when party got a role on the account. This is the last period to be specified if the account is closed and re-opened.



End date for when the party lost their rights for a specific role on the account. This is the last period to be specified if the account rights have been lost and re-gained. No end date if the party still has rights to the account.

Change log

Date Version Change
20.03.24 2.0 New version of the DSOP Control API generating extensive changes throughout all documentation.
03.05.23 1.2 Added data model for V.1.2, includes responseDetails