Word Description
CertPub CertPub is a service that simplifies and secures communication and transactions between businesses and across national borders.
CertPub locator The CertPub Locator is a centralised component functioning as a registry of the CertPub Publisher in which further information may be found.
CertPub publisher The CertPub Publisher is a component introduced to store and make available qualified certificate upon lookup.
control object The person or business being investigated via the DSOP Control API.
Data consumer For the DSOP solutions based on the DSOP Control Common standard, the data consumers are the government agencies using the solution in question.
Data provider For the DSOP solutions based on the DSOP Control Common Standard, the data providers are the financial institutions.
DSOP Digital Samhandling Offentlig Privat, a cooperation between the public and private sectors in Norway to digitize processes. Bits represents the financial institutions in this cooperation, and work together with government agencies like Skatteetaten, Brønnøysundregistrene, Digitaliseringsdirektoratet, NAV, Politiet, Kartverket and Statens sivilrettsforvaltning.
DSOP Control Common Standard “The DSOP Control Information Common Standard is the foundation that enables the development of DSOP solutions where the financial institutions digitally deliver account information to the public sector via a machine-to-machine integration. The common standard consists of two APIs:
- The Customer Relations Overview API consisting of two endpoints which provide information about customer relations regarding a person or organisation.
- The DSOP Control API consisting of five endpoints which provide account information regarding a person or organisation.”
DSOP Konkursbehandling Konkursbehandling is a fully digital exchange of information between the financial institutions and estate managers (via Brønnøysundregistrene) relating to bankruptcies in companies and sole proprietorships as well as personal bankruptcies. The service uses the DSOP Control Common Standard as a foundation, in addition to a bankruptcy notice from Brønnøysundregistrene.
DSOP oppgjør etter dødsfall Settlement after death (oppgjør etter dødsfall) shall simplify the process after death through digitization and sharing of data in processes that are currently complicated and analogue/paper-based. The solution based on the DSOP Control Common Standard provides an overview of the deceased’s assets and liabilities, and can at the same time constitute a possible platform that new partners can attach to and offer their data and services on.
KAR The KAR register (Konto og adresseringsregisteret) is the banks’ common register of customer information. All private individuals and companies that have a bank account that can be paid to or from in Norwegian kroner through NICS (Norwegian interbank clearing system) must be registered in KAR. This applies to the vast majority of Norwegian bank accounts.
KFR KFR (Kundeforholdsregisteret) is a register that should cover the financial institutions that are not part of the Norwegian Interbank Clearing System (NICS) or that have a part of their business that is not associated with NICS. By using KAR/KFR to reveal which financial institutions a person or business has a customer relationship in, the subsequent follow-up will be limited to the financial institutions that actually have a customer relationship. If there are financial institutions that have not linked up with KAR/KFR, these must be followed up individually by the DSOP actor directly for all requests.
Maskinporten Maskinporten is an access control solution for businesses that exchange data. The solution ensures secure authentication and access control for data exchange between businesses (machine-to-machine).
NAV-kontroll Digital exchange of information between NAV and financial institutions in Norway based on the DSOP Control Common Standard.
Politi-utlevering Politi-Utlevering is a fully digital solution based on the DSOP Control Common Standard for the disclosure of account information between financial institutions in Norway and the police in connection with criminal or disappearance cases.
Skatt-kontroll Digital exchange of information between Skatteetaten and financial institutions in Norway based on the DSOP Control Common Standard.
Vergekontroll Digital exchange of information related to guardian accounts between Statens sivilrettsforvaltning (SRF) and financial institutions in Norway based on the DSOP Control Common Standard.