All data providers and data consumers that have implemented Control Information must incorporate the operational processes into internal routines. It is a prerequisite that both the data providers and the data consumers that have implemented this solution, arrange their own routines and systems so that the routines defined below function appropriately. The 5 operational processes for DSOP Control Common Standard are presented in the table below.

Routine Stakeholders Version Link
Security breach (incl. privacy breach) Operations personnel
IT Security
Product Management
1.0 Link to Security breach
Notifications Operations personnel
Product Management
1.0 Link to Notifications
Error handling Operations personnel
Product Management
1.0 Link to Error handling
Question management Operations personnel
Product Management
Business management
1.0 Link to Question management
Change management Product Management
Business management
2.0 Link to Change management

Change log

Date Version Change
29.08.24 2.1 Version 2.0 of Change management
08.05.23 2.0 Updated routines to reflect DSOP Control Common Standard
01.12.20 1.1 Routine “Security breach” extended to include privacy breach. A few steps corrected in the routine to make sure that all parties (using Control API) who may have been affected, are contacted if a breach occurs
09.09.20 1.0 Routine for “Security breach” uploaded.
06.07.20 1.0 First version of 4 processes published on Github: Notifications, error handling, question management and change management.