The data provider has implemented the DSOP Control Common Standard in relation to another DSOP Solution, and is going to onboard a new DSOP Solution that is based on the same Standard.

This onboarding guide is to be used by data providers as a reference document and navigation tool that provides access to information that is necessary for the successful establishment of DSOP Solutions based on the DSOP Control Common Standard.

Onboarding process

To ensure good integration with the data consumer (public agency), the data provider should follow this onboarding process in 4 phases as described below.

Process Description
A – Preparation Read documentation and assess how this affects the data provider, and how and when the work should be organized. Initiate necessary technical orders internally.
B – Registration and signing of contract The data provider registers with Bits. Bits manages the signing of contracts/terms with the data provider.
C – Integration The data provider starts implementation of the solution and performs the necessary internal tests and integration tests against the data consumers before the transition to production.
D – Production The data provider goes in production

In the following chapters, there are also presented recommendations about who should complete which tasks:

  • IT: IT-specific tasks

  • Business: Tasks for the business side that will implement the solution

  • All: All the above-mentioned environments.

A - Preparation

In this chapter, you will find an overview of tasks that must be done before the data provider proceeds with registration and signing of contracts (B).

Tasks   Links + relevant info to do the task
A-1 Go through the information-site for the DSOP Control Common Standard as well as the specific DSOP Solution(s), to understand what the solution(s) can mean for the data provider and what is needed to succeed (All). See
- About the DSOP Control Common Standard
- About the DSOP Solution (find the specific DSOP Solution in the site menu)

B – Registration and signing of contract

Tasks that must be done prior to registration and signing of contract
Tasks   Links + relevant info to do the task
B-1 Registration form

Data providers send a registration form with, among other things, the following information to Bits:

- Data provider

- What DSOP solutions based on the Common Standard the registration apply for

- Production date
The registration form is sent to DSOP support by registering a case. Bits will verify the content in the form.

Download registration form here.
B-2 Electronic signing of the necessary contracts/terms (Business)

The data provider is contacted by Bits to start electronic signing of the relevant contracts (the signatory listed in the registration form receives electronic contract for signing via email from Verified).
Signing of the agreement is done digitally via Verified and managed by Bits.

The data provider should have common contact points for all the DSOP-services that are based on the Control Common Standard. There is therefore no need to fill in contact details in the registration form, as the contact details the data provider has already registered in Control Common Standard will also apply for this service.

C – Integration

Tasks that must be done prior to integration
A-1, B-1, B-2
Tasks   Links + relevant info to do the task
C-1 See all documentation for the concrete DSOP Solution, as well as general documentation for DSOP Control Common Standard.

Implement the DSOP Solution according to the documentation (IT).
See all documentation for the specific DSOP Solution you are implementing (see site menu).
C-2 If necessary, facilitate validation of the access token (IT/Business) Get Digdir’s public certificate for token validation locally. Endpoints for both test environment and production environment must be supported:

Test environment

Production environment

How to validate:
- Maskinporten
C-3 Technical integration for BCL (Business Certificate Lookup) if necessary. (IT) BCL test environment:
BCL production environment:
C-4 Register testdata in KAR or KFR (IT) Make sure you have registered testdata in KAR or KFR for testing this solution. Registration of test data is done by the data providers themselves, or you can reuse the same test customers as registered earlier for other DSOP Control solutions. Only data providers that have accounts registered in KAR can register test data in KAR. Other data providers must register test data in KFR.

Personal identification number, D number and organization number for the test users are sent to Include information about at what time periods the test-users have registered account information.
C-5 Perform internal testing. (IT) Complete all cases in “check list and integration test”, see DSOP Control Common Standard tests.

Performed integration test and checklist must be attached and sent to

Bits will verify that testing is ok.
C-6 Make sure that the endpoint registered in the API-catalogue for DSOP Control Common Standard will also work with this solution (API name “Accounts API” in API-catalogue). The data consumer will send requests to that endpoint in production. Data providers send the endpoints to be registered in the API catalog to
C-7 Test with data consumers. Data consumers might need to test the entire value chain to verify that the data provider has implemented correctly, but this has not been decided yet.
C-8 Arrange for notification to Bits (Business) The data provider must arrange for future notifications to be sent regarding the Control information solution.

See Notification for information about when and how the data provider shall send a notification.

D – Production

In this chapter you will find an overview of tasks that should be done to move to production.

Tasks that must be done prior to integration
B-1, B-2
C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5 C-6, C-7, C-8
Tasks   Links + relevant info to do the task
D-1 Self declaration (Business)

The data provider downloads the self declaration, fills in the form and returns the completed form to Bits.

By returning the completed self declaration, the data provider confirms that they are ready for production.

The self declaration should be sent to
D-2 The data provider informs Bits when they are in production. Bits will then inform the data consumer, so that they can reach the data provider through the service.  

Change log

Date Version Change
20.03.2024 2.0 New version of the DSOP Control API generating extensive changes throughout all documentation.